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Because life without music is just noise, la Coutellerie has acquired a small sound system. Focused on musical diversity, the program tries to highlight melodies that make you want to be together. For now, the space does not allow us to accommodate large ensembles (though we have punks and big band musicians in the organization) the decibels are limited.

Association meeting

La Coutellerie provides (free price of course) a meeting space, mainly for associations that share common views with us. It is possible to use this space when the bar is open. Contact us for subscription !

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We'd like to be a little less dumb each time we get out of there. That's why we regularly invite people with a definite knowledge to share experiences and points of view with us. One-way is not our way : debates are there to open new thoughts and acts, ours as much as those of the speaker.

Angle of attack

La Coutellerie has set up an infokiosk, combining brochures, magazines, newspapers, to take away or consult on site, at free prices. This Infokiosk is managed by the friends of Angle d'Attaque and contains useful information for almost all areas of life. Come and inform yourself qualitatively!


La Coutellerie is home to a cine-club.. We want to share films that make sense in our understanding of the current world and to pursue, when possible, the reflections linked to the images by discussing directly with those who made them.


La Coutellerie is home to a cine-club.. We want to share films that make sense in our understanding of the current world and to pursue, when possible, the reflections linked to the images by discussing directly with those who made them.

La Coutellerie is home to a cine-club.. We want to share films that make sense in our understanding of the current world and to pursue, when possible, the reflections linked to the images by discussing directly with those who made them.


Angle of attack

La Coutellerie has set up an infokiosk, combining brochures, magazines, newspapers, to take away or consult on site, at free prices. This Infokiosk is managed by the friends of Angle d'Attaque and contains useful information for almost all areas of life. Come and inform yourself qualitatively!

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